Giving Tuesday 2022

Giving Tuesday is a generosity movement unleashing the power of people and organizations to transform their communities and the world.

This Tuesday, November 29, 2022 we are inviting YOU to be a part of this movement unleashing the power of radical generosity.

This Giving Tuesday make a lasting impact w/ at-risk teens in the inner city!

Greater Than > (Inner City Youth Mentorship Program)

At "Greater Than" students are learning biblical purpose and identity, life skills and financial literacy. Our students live in communities where poverty, crime and drugs are everyday challenges to success. Through sports, music and entrepreneurship students are being mentored weekly in a safe, positive environment. We are seeing complete transformation in self-esteem and behavior.

Students a part of "Greater Than" have reduced disciplinary problems at school and with law enforcement.

Kai, 17, has shared that since being a part of "Greater Than" he has not gotten detention or been arrested. He says he loves being a part of the group where he is around men that are positive and encouraging. He feels he has learned many practical tools that help him be better with his family.

Students share that they feel safe, loved, heard and seen.

Maya, 16, has shared that she knows that at "Greater Than," she will not be made fun, and that she is safe. She feels she can be herself and learn and ask questions with people she knows care about her. She also has shared that she feels more comfortable with public speaking and speaking up against violence and bullying. We have seen Maya grow from insecure and shy to a leader and program recruiter in her neighborhood. She has been excited to learn more about God and prayer and is now a new believer.

Every week we have the opportunity to share life giving truth and community with teens who have felt they have little options and hope for their future.

Partner with City Takers to continue to make a difference today!

Help us reach our year-end goal of $75,000

by becoming a monthly partner and/or giving a special one-time gift