2021 1st Quarter Newsletter
We met Marco at our "Fresh Food Friday's" outreach. At the time, he had just gotten out of prison after serving a 20 + year sentence and was determined to get back on his feet. We invited him to our missional church plant and he began coming faithfully and connecting with people. We were able to introduce him to people and organizations that helped him get a job and housing. We provided support and resources that helped him through application processes and his transition into society. We are so happy to report that in February, Marco started his full-time job and we helped him move into his brand new apartment! He was so excited and grateful for his new community of friends and support with City Takers. He continues to be a part of our church family and continues to grow in the Lord with a new friend circle that provides encouragement and accountability. He boasts often of making an honest living and being given a second chance. He is now a great evangelist in his community sharing all that God has done. Click the video above to hear Marco share some of his story!
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1300 Joseph E. Boone Blvd., NW | Atlanta, GA 30314