Tommy Kyllonen - Love Our City

Tommy "Urban D." Kyllonen is the lead pastor of Crossover Church in Tampa, Florida, and an internationally known hip-hop artist, author, speaker and ministry consultant. He is also founder of the Flavor Fest Urban Leadership Conference and publisher of S.O.U.LMAG Magazine. He lives in Tampa with his wife, Lucy and his two daughters. 

Crossover Church 813 has become newsworthy for many things, one of them being their “Love Our City” campaign which mobilizes hundreds of people to thousands acts of kindness and community service projects impacting  all segments of society.

As a result Tommy Kyllonen has written a book about it with curriculum to serve as a road map for similar movements.

About the book and concept for “Love Our City” Kyllonen writes: 

“Jesus told us to "Love our neighbor as we love ourselves." We love the idea of it, but many of us are so busy it can be hard to live out. The past few years our culture has become more polarized with division and disrespect. As tragedies and social issues fill the headlines, the church seems to be nearly absent in the conversation. “Love Our City” presents our problem, how we can overcome it, and solid ways to fulfill our God-given mission. This isn't a theory book. It's a book filled with practical solutions and real life stories how an army of people have risen up and pushed past their discomfort and learned how to love their city as a lifestyle. This book and this movement will change your heart, your church and your city forever.”


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